My Story:
I decided to start Atkins after a scheduled doctor appointment in July of 2010. I weighed in on the doctor’s scale at an all-time high of 217 pounds. It was a depressing moment. I have had hypothyroidism for about 12 years. In 2005, I had 50 percent of my thyroid removed and have been taking a thyroid-replacement hormone ever since. I have always struggled with weight issues, but never to the extent that hypothyroidism enhanced. After struggling for years to lose little to no weight, I stumbled upon an article that talked about how individuals with thyroid problems had found some success with Atkins. I decided to try it, feeling that there would be nothing to lose. In the beginning, nothing happened, but then I purchased an online copy of the new Atkins book, and I read a success story about an individual who had issues similar to mine who tried a modified Induction plan. I tried it, and within ten days, I had lost 14 pounds! I was immediately motivated. I lost weight rapidly but even more exciting was the amount of inches I dropped. By December 2010, I had lost 44 pounds and a total of 54 inches off of my body! I went from a size 18 to a size 6. I donated my entire closet to charity and had to begin purchasing new clothes that would not fall off of me. The weight loss slowed down but remains steady. I am currently in OWL and have gone from 212 pounds to 164 pounds. My health has improved immensely, and I went from taking six prescribed medications to two. My blood pressure and cholesterol count improved drastically, and my energy level went through the roof. I intend to lose 20 additional pounds and then remain in maintenance. It has been such a great experience to finally find something that works and is easy to implement. It is very easy to plan meals and simple to eat on the run, out with friends or at family gatherings. I read the book four times and it truly has empowered me to take control of my weight loss. I love my new life as a thin person, and I love knowing that I have the tools and knowledge to live the Atkins Lifestyle in order to maintain my weight and live a healthy and active life.
Favorite Atkins Friendly Food: My favorite recipe is Ancho Macho Chili. I especially enjoy it with shredded cheddar cheese on top. I also like Chipotle Chicken with sour cream, cheese and guacamole.
My Goals:
Not provided.