Rose Hampton

Age 67
Getting into a smaller size has been a plus that has been wonderful.

* The average person can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. Results may vary. Weight loss is influenced by exercise, food consumed and diet
51 lbs lost*
Rose Hampton - after
Rose Hampton - before

My Story:

I am 67 years old. I am 5′ 8″. I have been fat ALL my life. I have lost weight of at least 50 lbs. at least 3 times in my life. In 1995 I went on Atkins and lost weight but I gradually added high carbs back and of course gained it all back. In 1999, I had a double bypass heart surgery at the age of 54. Even that didn’t make me stop eating the high carb foods and I ballooned up to about 220… I was put on meds for diabetes along with the high blood pressure meds I was taking. I continued on the track of “eating anything and everything I wanted” so the end result in May of 2012 at a very high level of diabetes and blood pressure meds, I went to Dr. for physical. She said, “OK, this blood work of A1c over 8 and high blood pressure and cholesterol have got to be dealt with. I suggest you not eat anything white such as sugar, potatoes, white flour, rice, pasta, white bread. This will surely bring your numbers down.” So, it somehow sank in that the Atkins plan was again going to be what I needed to be on. I began on May 21, 2012, weighing 206 lbs. I now weigh 155 lbs. with last A1c of 5.3. Dr. was elated at my progress and encourages me to continue this woe and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. My BMI is 23.6, well in normal range. I am conscious each day of what I put in my mouth. This is the only way I can continue to live healthy. My exercise consists of walking. I am thankful for the proof that Atkins works. It can be done.

My Goals:
To keep diabetes blood work in check. To keep blood pressure close to normal and to live a happy and fulfilled life on Atkins Way of Eating while enjoying wonderful food and not being hungry. My goal of having better A1c test results and better blood pressure readings have been at the top of my list. Of course, getting into a smaller size has been a plus that has been wonderful.

How Atkins Helped Get Me There: Atkins has allowed me to reach a big milestone in my life by supporting my doctor's advice in May 2012 to "eat no white stuff." I researched Atkins and that plan mainly covered not eating the white stuff my dr. meant: sugar, white flour, pasta, rice, potatoes...... Other than these few items, my eating has been a wonderful plan. I am never hungry. I am able to eat things that others who may be on low fat diets shun. These meats, veggies, salads, nuts, cheese, eggs, and other items have made a difference in being able to stay true to my plan. I believe in this way of eating. The no hunger part is the best. It is much easier to stay on a way of eating if your stomach isn't growling incessantly. The bars and meals are helpful also. I love the breakfast meals and the bars are just the right amount for a snack or sometimes as a meal.