Colette's Blog

Who Inspired You to Start Atkins?

November 12, 2014

Hello! How are you? Have any of you had friends or family members go on Atkins with you? What was their experience like? I want to hear your stories and I want to introduce you to my assistant Julie, who would like to share a story of her own.

Hi! When Sharon went on Atkins about a year ago, I decided to do it with her for support. Of course I thought it would be great to get healthy as well, but I had no idea this experience would change my life. I now have a healthy relationship with food, I’ve learned to control portions, and I make healthier choices. I’m not perfect. I won’t lie, there are times when I cheat. But when I cheat I don’t go overboard with it. I’ll have ONE coke or TWO French fries, and that’s my cheat. That’s it. I’m not gorging myself on way too much food anymore because I don’t want to. I don’t need to.

Some people think Atkins is all about meat, but that’s not true. You can do Atkins as a vegetarian or a vegan and never want for anything. Per the Buddhist religion, I had to eat vegan for 49 days, so I did 49 days vegan on Atkins, and never ran out of options.

Also, as a person of Asian heritage, I thought it would be hard not to eat rice, but I eat cauliflower rice, tofu noodles, and have never felt deprived. It’s actually pretty easy. I can still have the Asian foods I’m accustomed to, I just skip the rice.

Since I started on Atkins, I have lost 35 pounds, had my clothes taken in twice, and I can’t wait to buy new clothes once I’ve reached my goal weight! I’m down 6 sizes in pants and I feel like I can shop anywhere now.

Atkins works when you do it right. No matter what your background is or special needs are, Atkins is flexible enough to work for you.

Thank you for reading my story. Below are some of my favorite Atkins-friendly vegan dishes for those of you who are interested in going vegan or vegetarian on Atkins.


Breakfast: Low-carb waffles with no butter and vegan sausage.

Lunch: Raw Kale salad with grilled tempeh and roasted tomatoes in a lemon zested veganaise & olive oil dressing.

Dinner: Tofu pasta with broccoli and grilled steak tofu. (Tofu has no carbs so you can do anything with it.)

Snacks: Kale chips, vegan sausages with hot mustard, and olives.

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