Colette's Blog

Tips for Dealing with People Who Undermine Your Low Carb Lifestyle

August 25, 2021

I have a hard time thinking of low carb as a “diet” because I have been living the Atkins low carb lifestyle for more than 20 years. Over the years, I have discovered a few methods for overcoming the “naysayers” in my life.

 If someone has ever given you a hard time for turning down a cookie and said this: “Come on, just eat one. All you eat is veggies!” Well, you know what I mean!

 It may be easier to validate your personal food choices if you have a food allergy or choose to be gluten-free or vegetarian, but doing so just because you are committed to improving your health can be tricky, with people quick to question your food choices. It’s also possible they feel insecure of their own choices.

 And this dialogue goes both ways when you’re silently or not-so-silently admonishing someone: “Oh, I wish I could order those French fries, but I could never eat so many carbs for one meal.”

 The key is to rephrase these conversations so they are positive moments. There is no reason to talk about “good” carbs or “bad” carbs when you can call the food you choose to eat as “delicious”, “fulfilling” or “satisfying”.

Fortunately, compared to years past, low carb living is top of mind for many people, which makes it a lot easier to make lower carb choices while you’re eating out or socializing with family and friends. Your fellow diners will probably be quite supportive, or they may be following their own version of a low carb lifestyle and be curious about Atkins. Though the last thing you want to do is make the meal all about you and your eating habits, you can reframe the conversation in a positive way if it does come up.

 You can find ways to politely assert your food choices with these 7 tips for dealing with people who undermine your low carb lifestyle.

 It also helps to join a like-minded community to further help support your low carb lifestyle. You can check out Atkins’ low carb community, plus find Atkins on Facebook or Instagram for even more inspiration and support when the low carb nay-sayers in your  life give you grief.

Register with Atkins today for additional tips, low carb recipes, and ideas on how to overcome your weight loss plateau.

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