Colette's Blog

This Year’s Resolution: Move Past the “Diet” Mindset!

January 7, 2021

A global study shows what we may have suspected: During the pandemic, many of us ate more junk food, exercised less, were more anxious and slept less. All those extra carbs and sugar, lack of exercise and more stress can contribute to a few extra pounds and health problems. 

You’re probably ready to make some healthy changes, but that doesn’t mean resorting to a fleeting quick-fix diet. For lasting results, make 2021 the year you skip diet season. Instead, identify the habits that held you back this past year and learn how to change them. 

Create your goals around doing something that may work better (approach-based) rather than about quitting a bad habit or giving up a food (avoidance-based). In fact, in a new study of 1,066 participants, people who made approach-based goals were significantly more successful in keeping their New Year’s resolutions than people who made avoidance-based goals. 

This year, unlike with the traditional diet mindset, focus not on what you’re giving up but what you gain with Atkins’ low carb lifestyle, which helps support healthy blood sugar levels, increases levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL cholesterol), can improve sleep quality and even benefit liver health. 

Atkins is quite simple. Eat optimal amounts of protein, limit refined carbs and sugar and go for healthy fats. Start by setting your approach-based goals, and think of how you will feel when you achieve your goals: 

Examples of avoidance-based goals vs. approach-based goals: 

Avoidance-based goal: “I am going to stop eating carbs.” 

Approach-based goal: “I am going to eat the ‘right’ carbs: colorful veggies, low-glycemic fruits and nuts and eventually smaller portions of starchy vegetables and whole grains.” 

Avoidance-based goal: “I am going to cut calories to lose weight quickly.” 

Approach-based goal: ”I am going to find a flexible and personalized low carb approach that works with my food preferences and lifestyle.”

The changes you’ll see and feel quickly with Atkins is your motivation to keep going strong in 2021! 

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