Colette's Blog

Snacking is Smart

November 20, 2014

Snacking is a smart weight-loss strategy, especially when you’re getting started on a weight-loss plan. Eating smaller meals more frequently keeps you from getting hungry, and it keeps you focused on your goal. Weight loss should not mean deprivation: You’re taking good care of yourself, and the results will be fantastic!

A snack doesn’t necessarily mean “extra” foods, or eating foods that are unhealthy for you. Indeed, keeping your engine burning and fueling your body with healthy snacks can help you achieve your goals—it’s much better than fasting, which depletes you of energy and motivation.

On the Atkins program, you begin with Induction, and your menu is low in carbohydrates. During this two-week phase, you’re restricted to 20 net carbs daily with 12 to 15 net carbs coming in the form of foundation vegetables. Eat until you are satisfied from your protein choices, including turkey and chicken, meat, fish, and eggs, and to a lesser extent, cheese (which is limited to 4 ounces daily) . Non-meat sources of proteins such as tofu, soy , and tempeh are also permitted.

There are a variety of low-carb snack products available. Some low-carb products are sweetened with Splenda, others have both Splenda and sugar alcohols. Depending on your taste, you may find them an enjoyable part of your daily snacking and eating plan. They’re available for an occasional treat and will help you keep from going over your daily carbohydrate allowance. However, remember that Atkins is a whole foods diet and will teach you a new way of approaching food. Don’t allow low carb products sacrifice the intake in whole foods and limit low carb products to one or MAX two servings daily.

Fresh Low-Carb Snack Ideas for Every Phase

1.Sliced turkey breast, roast beef, chicken breast or ham roll-ups (phases 1-4)

2.Celery sticks stuffed with cream cheese (phases 1-4)

3.Sliced avocado salad dressed with olive oil (phases 1-4)

4.Quarter-cup roasted almonds (phases 2-4)

5.Cup of roasted peanuts in the shell (phases 2-4)

6.4 large boiled shrimp with sugar-free cocktail sauce (phases 1-4)

7.2 cups sugar-free gelatin topped with a whipped cream (phases 1-4)

8.Hard-boiled or deviled eggs (phases 1-4)

9.String cheese (phases 1-4)

10. Celery stuffed with nut butter (no-sugar-added peanut, cashew or sesame butter) phases 2-4)

11. Marinated olives and fennel (phases 1-4)

Feel free to share your snacking ideas on this thread!

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