Colette's Blog

One Slip-Up is No Reason to Quit!

April 2, 2015

Let’s face it, temptation is lurking everywhere. It’s somewhat unrealistic to think we won’t give in every once in a while. There were tasty treats laid out at our Valentine’s Day Twitter chat for The Talk — the brownies in front of me were too divine to resist. But, I didn’t have the whole plate. I just had one. One and done!

If we eat something naughty, it doesn’t mean our diet is over. Just don’t fall into the pattern of “If I cheat once then I should just throw in the towel and eat whatever I want.” The best thing to do is hop right back on your plan. Please don’t beat yourself up over one slip either! We’re all human and your diet is not going to go up in flames for having just 1 or 2 cookies.

When I think of having something off my plan, I try and remember just how far I’ve come and how great I feel and then reassess to see if the treat is really worth it. Most times, it’s not!

What about you? How do you overcome slip-ups? Let’s hear it!

Big Kiss,
Mrs. O

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