Colette's Blog


November 12, 2014
  1. GO FOR A WALK! I like walking because it’s not intimidating and it’s easy to see your progress. It’s also a fabulous opportunity to bond with your spouse or catch up with your friends. Give it a go! Start with 5 minutes a day and you’ll be surprised how quickly you progress.
  2. COOL DOWN IN THE POOL! I enjoyed playing in the pool this year with my grandbaby Pearl. If you have little ones, what a magnificent way to bond with them…you won’t even realize you’re exercising.
  3. LIFT WEIGHTS. The one takes a little time to work up to, but I love it. It feels great!
  4. ENJOY YOURSELF! Seriously. On Atkins you should never feel hungry or deprived, this isn’t something you need to force yourself through. It’s a different lifestyle, one you should enjoy. And as you start experiencing the benefits, the weight loss, the extra energy, put them to good use enjoying your time with friends and family.
  5. DON’T LOSE YOUR HEAD! There are so many treats I find difficult to resist, but I have to remember that just one bite leads to just one more, and then I have to go through the whole detox process of weaning myself off sugar again. Remember your motivation and stick with it.

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