Colette's Blog

My family, friends and I have collectively lost 100 pounds!

November 12, 2014

Hello! I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine’s day! Ozzy and I spent a lovely weekend together in London. He can be quite the romantic…when he remembers!

I actually spent part of my Valentine’s Day with Atkins here at the Talk! After we did our live Valentine’s Day show, we taped a segment about Atkins myths, and I was really surprised at the things people believe! I was also very impressed with our studio audience, they did great on the ‘true’ or ‘false’ quiz – they really earned those goodie bags!

There are some great pictures in here from the Atkins episode and the Valentine’s Day episode. For years I’d refused to wear anything but black, and yet here I am in a pastel pink coat. I’ve become an expert at hiding weight, and now that I’m not hiding anything, I’ve got loads more options!

Last Friday was also a very important day for me. I’m not sure if any of you got a chance to see, but Jack and I did a PSA that aired after “The Young and The Restless” on CBS. I was a bit emotional when we taped it and watching it again just makes me want to emphasize the importance of family and taking care of your body so you can be there for a long time for your family. Atkins isn’t just about looking good on the outside, it’s getting healthy on the inside too.

How many of you have ever had a major health scare? Chances are that you have, especially if you’re in your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and so on. You only get 1 body, and no matter what modern medicine can do to it, it’s up to you to take care of it. I love nothing more than when I read posts from people on here who tell me they’re off their heart medication because they’ve lost weight with Atkins, or that they were able to prevent a diabetes diagnosis.

Sometimes I get messages from people who say they’re worried about a loved one who needs to lose weight but they can’t get them to try Atkins. There’s a real simple way to do it – lead by example. When I first started Atkins, it was just about me improving my health, but once people around me started noticing a difference in my body and in my health, they wanted to get on Atkins too! Between myself, Ozzy, Jack, and my assistant, we’ve lost over 100 pounds!

I want to hear about your families – are you struggling? Are you doing Atkins together? Let me know!

All my love and support!


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