Colette's Blog

Low-Carb Travel Tips

July 27, 2015

Summer is in
full swing, which usually means it’s time to travel. There are plenty of
temptations on the road, but you can still enjoy your vacation without packing
on the pounds. Here’s how:

Plan ahead. Dining out every meal can do damage to
both your wallet and your waistline. Rent or stay in homes or hotels that have
kitchens or kitchenettes. Make a quick grocery run as soon as you arrive at
your destination so you have options for quick breakfasts, lunches and snacks.
Forget fast-food and hit the salad bar at the grocery store if you need a
convenient and quick meal.

Pack a snack. Whether you’re flying or driving, make
sure you have low-carb snacks on hand like jerky, trail mix, nuts, olives,
turkey or ham roll-ups and Atkins bars and shakes.

Don’t clean your plate. Stop eating when you’re full or
split a salad and entrée. If you are staying in a place with a refrigerator,
take your leftovers and eat them for a snack or lunch the next day.

Make your splurge worth it. Save up for those delicious treats you
won’t be able to find at home. Cut out a snack in favor of the treat, and make
sure you have your next low-carb meals and snacks planned out so your one
splurge doesn’t turn into a free-for-all. Or eat all your planned low-carb
snacks and meals, and just indulge in a bite or two.

Go easy on the booze. It’s easy to relax the rules on
vacation. And that fruity drink with an umbrella is not only full of calories; it
also stimulates your appetite. Plus it’s harder to make healthier food choices
after a few drinks. If you are going to have a drink, stick with lower-calorie
drinks like wine or light beer or drinks made with calorie-free mixers.

Find non-food distractions. Flight delay or hour five of a 12-hour
road trip? Instead of feeding your boredom with an overpriced coffee drink or
bag of chips, take a walk around the airport terminal or stop the car and do
some stretches or a quick nature walk around a point of interest. Catch up on
your reading or get the family involved in the “license plate” game.

Get active. Build your vacations around activities
that get your blood pumping. Research hikes in your area, hit the beach for
beach volleyball, rent bikes and explore your surroundings.

Do damage control. If you return from vacation a few
pounds heavier, that’s ok. Cut roughly 10 grams of Net Carbs a day
from your intake until you return to your goal weight.

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