Colette's Blog

How long can you stay on Induction?

November 20, 2014

Depending on how much weight one needs to lose, he or she can safely continue on Induction up to six months as long as the following four conditions are met:

1.Blood chemistries, lipid values, blood pressure or blood sugar levels continue to improve or remain stable and within normal limits.

2.One feels well and is experiencing a high energy level, normal sleep patterns and stable moods.

3.You should not be bored. Boredom could lead to cheating ultimately undermining all efforts.

4.Are not within ten pounds of goal.

However, it is important to understand the entire Atkins Nutritional Approach.

The ultimate goal of the program is to advance from the Induction phase through

Ongoing Weight Loss and Pre-Maintenance, culminating in Lifetime Maintenance,

which should become a permanent way of eating. By following these steps, one

can find his or her Carbohydrate Level for Losing (CLL), also known as their

carbohydrate threshold for losing, and ultimately the Atkins ‘ Carbohydrate

Equilibrium (ACE), also known as their carbohydrate threshold for maintaining.

Segueing from one phase to another will help an individual maintain a healthful

weight, feel good and decrease risk factors for chronic diseases such as heart

disease, hypertension and diabetes.

That being said, if a person has a great deal of weight to lose, one can certainly stay on Induction for six months or even more. When switching to Ongoing Weight Loss, the rate of loss will naturally diminish slightly. In some cases, people report acceleration in weight loss when they move to OWL. It really depends on the individual and you should not hesitate to move on.

Keep in mind; if a person has a modest weight loss goal, say 20 pounds, and loses the first pounds rapidly, it is important to move through the more liberal phases relatively quickly to establish good eating habits that will become part of an ongoing lifestyle and end yo-yo dieting for good.

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