Colette's Blog

How Late Night Snacks can Sabotage Your Plan

July 27, 2015

Isn’t it tempting to grab a late-night snack while you’re relaxing? I know for me, if I do this a few times, it becomes a horrible habit to shake. At night, we often crave comfort foods while we have our guard down. Next thing you know, you give into temptation and have a bowl of ice cream with you in bed.

This isn’t terrible on occasion, but it can become a slippery slope. If I feel a bit off my plan, I’ll ask myself: “have I been snacking at night?” These extra late-night calories can derail your plan because your body doesn’t use them and they are stored as fat. Your metabolism is shut off for the evening, so your eating should be too.

If you do this once or twice, don’t beat yourself up! We are all human and sometimes just have to give into that craving. But if you do, make it an Atkins-friendly version. Have some fruit or half of a chocolate Atkins bar to get your fix.

How do you all resist the late-night snacks? Come on, tell me!

Big Kiss,

Mrs. O

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