Colette's Blog

Holiday Madness!

November 11, 2014

Hello! How has your holiday season been going so far? I want to hear all about your Thanksgiving! What worked, what didn’t? Who’s on track, who’s off track, and who’s somewhere in the middle?

Most importantly, are you enjoying your holidays this year? I want to hear one positive thing from everyone about your holidays so far. Come on, you can all think of something!

The holidays can be so stressful. Between all the traveling, shopping, planning, and visiting, it’s a wonder we all don’t go mad. There can be so many ups and downs, but it’s important to remind yourself of the ups or you’ll drown in your downs.

As a stress eater and an emotional eater, I’ve spent past years comforting myself with holiday goodies, waking up the next day feeling guilty, and getting lost in the cycle of guilt and overeating. But not anymore! I love the consistency of Atkins. I stick to my plan, I have my three meals per day, and I’m in control.

I’m also taking care of myself! Sticking to your plan is a fabulous reminder that you’ve got to take care of yourself. It’s not just about your weight, it’s about your health and well being. Be good to yourselves!

All My Love and Support,


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