Colette's Blog

Fitting Fitness into Your Busy Schedule

November 9, 2014

I don’t know about you, but this time of the year is always incredibly busy for me. I’m back at the studio every day for The Talk, I just filmed an episode of CSI, which I’m very excited about, and I did some weekend speaking engagements on the east coast, which was something new for me. When we have demanding schedules, it’s easy to say, “I just don’t have time to work out.”

I’ve learned that no matter how busy you are, you have to make exercise a priority in your schedule. I always try to get my workouts done early in the morning before I leave for the studio to tape. Some days I do Pilates and the next mix it up with the treadmill or weights. If I can’t get my workout in during the morning, I’ll find some time later in the day to do something active like walking with Ozzy, my doggies, or with friends.

Believe me, I have to force myself to get up and do some type of exercise or I would sit on the couch all day. Whether it’s just a short walk, taking the stairs, or carrying a basket at the grocery store, every little bit helps and I feel so much better afterwards!

What about you? How do you fit your workouts into your busy schedules? Tell me everything!

All My Love,

Mrs. O

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