Tami Mungenast

Age 40

* The average person can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. Results may vary. Weight loss is influenced by exercise, food consumed and diet
50 lbs lost*
Tami Mungenast - after
Tami Mungenast - before

My Story:

After high school, my weight started creeping up. Every year, I was wearing a bigger size. I stopped weighing myself because it was too discouraging. It seemed like, the more I dieted and the less I ate, the fatter I got, even while I was actively exercising. I even made a few attempts at what I thought was the Atkins diet plan, but due to my lack of knowledge, I was never able to last more than a few days and gave up. Looking back, I realize I was never following the Atkins Nutritional Approach.