Tom Doyon

Age 56
2013 Atkins All-Star Winner

* The average person can expect to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. Results may vary. Weight loss is influenced by exercise, food consumed and diet
125 lbs lost*
Tom Doyon - after
Tom Doyon - before

My Story:

I totally was off the chart and had a grocery list of physical problems and just decided one day that i would be a different man one way or another. I looked at gastric bypass etc and had tried to lose many many times and a host of different ways with limited short time success.
Then I decided the Atkins lifestyle may be the answer for me … Well it is now 18+ months later and I have to say that for me, this has been as simple as falling out of a tree. I will lose a few more lbs and inches as time goes on however i am in no rush since I feel incredible.
Do This For Yourself.. I promise it is life changing!

My Goals:
Not provided