Atkins 40®: An Easy, Flexible Diet

April 27, 2015

Searching for a successful weight loss solution that doesn’t take over your life can be tough. Between counting calories and squeezing in exercise, it’s often hard to find the time and discipline to lose weight. Atkins 40® makes it easy with a flexible diet plan that encourages weight loss through living a low carb lifestyle. Take a look at some benefits of Atkins 40®:

Continue Eating the Carbs you Love:

Atkins 40® allows you to eat 40 grams of Net Carbs a day — two times more than the Atkins 20® diet. This diet plan gives you the flexibility to enjoy more of your favorite foods at every meal. Try allocating 10g of Net Carbs to breakfast, lunch and dinner, leaving another 10g of Net Carbs for snacks. If you’re going out to dinner or just don’t have time to track Net Carbs, it’s okay to occasionally add an extra 5g of Net Carbs to a meal.

Stay Satisfied with Protein:

Atkins 40® encourages you to eat 3 servings of protein a day. A serving is considered to be 4-6 oz. of your favorite protein, including meat, fish, eggs and more. These sources of protein often do not include any Net Carbs and is sure to keep you going throughout your busy day. Try some of our tasty high protein recipes, such as
Broiled Salmon with Maple-Mustard Glaze or Spicy Maple Chicken Wings.

Enjoy Something Sweet:

With Atkins 40®, you don’t need to avoid the sweet treats you love. Allowing for 3 servings of added fats a day (1 tbsp. each), Atkins 40 makes it easy to enjoy desserts without feeling guilty. Take a look at these
low carb desserts, including Decadent Chocolate Cake and Vanilla-Coconut Ice Cream.

Learn more details about living a low carb lifestyle with
Atkins 40® and enjoy the easy, flexible low carb diet.

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