10 Tips for Weight Loss

April 15, 2015
  1. Set S.M.A.R.T. resolutions. “Lose weight” may be one of the most popular goals, but make sure your “lose weight” goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Here’s an example: I want to lose 24 pounds in three months by following Atkins. I will track my progress by weighing myself and taking my measurements.
  2. Focus on the process. As you follow your low-carb diet, remember that weight loss is a process and that hitting your goals will not happen instantly. Whenever you get frustrated or impatient, remind yourself that by sticking to your goals, you will see positive results in the long run.
  3. Plan ahead and stick to a schedule, Planning your meals and snacks ahead of time is an effective way to ensure that you stick to your low-carb diet. Additionally, it’s a good idea to follow a similar meal schedule every day to help your body adjust to your diet changes.
  4. Track your progress. Keep track of your progress as you go. Not only will this allow you to acknowledge positive progress and visualize how far you’ve come from your starting point, but it will also allow you to identify any areas or habits to improve. Don’t obsess over that number on the scale. Stick to weighing yourself only once a week (twice at the most). Use a measuring tape to keep track of inches you may be losing (keep in mind you may be losing inches even if the numbers on your scale aren’t decreasing every week), and keep an old pair of pants on hand to try on occasionally, so that you can see if they are getting looser.
  5. Reward small accomplishments. Don’t wait until you reach your ultimate goal to celebrate and reward yourself! Rewarding small accomplishments along the way, whether it’s getting through Phase 1 or cooking a new favorite low-carb recipe, will help keep you motivated and feeling good about your weight loss process.
  6. Get support. Share your progress with friends and family to get additional support in accomplishing your weight loss goals. If you’re following the Atkins diet, joining one of our community groups or community forums is also an excellent way to get support throughout your weight loss journey.
  7. Start slow. Starting slow is also important for first-time dieters. This goes hand-in-hand with being realistic. Don’t think, “Less is better” on Atkins. Doing Atkins more aggressively then written could cause you to lose track of your dieting goals and get frustrated when the program isn’t working. With Atkins, there is also the option to start at a higher phase of the program, depending on your goals and lifestyle. Whether you are following Atkins 20 or Atkins 40, there is a plan for everyone.
  8. Don’t give up. Even if you gained some weight over the holidays, don’t use that as an excuse to give up on Atkins. Atkins is not a quick-fix diet, but a lifestyle. It is a program that will be with you through thick and thin, literally. Look Atkins as a program that will always be there for you.
  9. Spice up your low-carb cooking. It’s much easier (and fun) to stick with Atkins when you have plenty of delicious low-carb recipes at your fingertips. If you haven’t already, check out the Atkins®: Eat Right, Not Less Your Guidebook to Living a Low-Carb and Low-Sugar Lifestylee New Atkins for a New You Cookbook. It features 100 delicious whole-food recipes and will teach you to eat right, not less, to reach your weight management goals and achieve optimal health. You can order it now or buy it at any major bookseller. Be sure to visit our recipe section as well, for thousands of low-carb recipes perfect for every meal.
  10. Expect the unexpected. It’s inevitable that there will be a time when life gets crazy, and the vending machine or fast food drive-thru is tempting you. Fortunately, Atkins has delicious meal, snack and treat bars and shakes to keep you satisfied (and ease your sugar cravings without raising your blood sugar). Stash some Atkins bars or shakes in your purse, briefcase, desk drawer, gym bag or glove compartment so that you always have an Atkins-friendly meal or snack at your fingertips, even when you’re on the go. Do you need a cure for your chocolate fix? Try the creamy and delicious Advantage Milk Chocolate Delight shake. And with Atkins frozen meals, you always have a hot and satisfying meal that heats up in minutes.

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