Low Carb & Keto Coffee Creamers

September 30, 2020
pouring cream into cup of coffee

Regular milk and store-bought coffee creamers are packed with hidden sugars, which can have upwards of 7g net carbs in one tablespoon. But if you just can’t take your coffee black, do not fret! Make your morning cup of joe low carb friendly—and add in some healthy fat—with these Atkins®-approved keto creamers and keto coffee sweeteners.

Keto-Friendly Coffee Creamer Ideas

Regardless of the Atkins phase you are in, the goal of a low carb diet is to rev up your metabolism with ketosis so that your body burns fat instead of carbohydrates and sugar. The best way to do so is to reduce the amount of net carbs you consume. Swapping typically high carb milk and regular creamers for low carb coffee creamer will help reduce your daily net carb intake, helping to induce ketosis and make room in your daily net carb allowance for more nutrient-rich options like foundation vegetables and healthy fats.

Per Atkins guidelines, one to two cups of caffeinated coffee (or tea) is allowed. Excessive caffeine has been shown to cause low blood sugar, which can make you crave sugar. So whether or not you’re using keto creamers in your cup, try to keep your consumption of coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks to a minimum.

The best low carb coffee creamer will depend on your tastes and personal preferences. Here are some of our favorite keto-friendly coffee creamers:

  • Almond milk and creamers: Unsweetened almond milk and other nut milks are a great low carb alternative to regular milk. There are also plenty of almond milk creamers available at most supermarkets. Just make sure to read the labels to look for any hidden carbs in flavored varieties.
  • Atkins shakes: Specially designed to be part of your low carb lifestyle, high in calcium and other essential nutrients, a bit of Atkins shakes or protein powders (we like vanilla or chocolate best for coffee) will add a pop of protein and flavor to your cup.
  • Collagen creamer: Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body and the substance that holds the body together. Adding more of these amino acids to your daily routine will provide extra protein and may help boost your energy levels, relieve joint pain, and strengthen your hair, skin, and nails.
  • Coconut cream or milk: Coconut cream and milk are made from the same ingredients (coconut, water, and sometimes guar gum), but much like regular milk compared to heavy cream, coconut cream has a higher fat content and a thicker texture than coconut milk. Both are tasty low carb keto creamer options.
  • Cream (heavy or light): With 6 g fat and just 0.4g net carbs per tablespoon, heavy cream is an excellent low carb choice for your coffee and will be most similar to processed and flavored creamers you might be trying to transition from. Light cream and half and half are great choices as well, though they tend to have slightly higher carb counts.
  • MCT powder: Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are fatty acids typically derived from coconut and palm kernel. Too much MCT oil can be tough on your digestive system, but a high-quality MCT powder (which is made from MCT oil) is a more gentle alternative that is also easily dissolved in your coffee and will give it a creamy texture. Adding healthy fats like MCTs to your coffee is a great way to consume more healthy fats and help you feel fuller longer.

Keto Coffee Sweetener

Because low carb diets like Atkins avoid consuming added sugars, try swapping refined sugar for keto sugar substitutes. Keep in mind that many people are sensitive to low calorie sweeteners and may experience slower weight loss or stop weight loss altogether. Especially during the induction phase, limit sugar substitutes to no more than three servings a day (one serving is treated as 1g of net carbs). If you do encounter a stall or plateau in your weight loss, reevaluate how much low calorie sweetener you are consuming and try reducing that amount.

Atkins-approved keto coffee sweeteners include:

  • Sucralose
  • Saccharine
  • Stevia
  • Allulose

With Atkins, you’ll learn to eat right, not less with a balanced diet of high-fiber carbohydrates, healthy fats, and optimal proteins. For more keto tips and low carb recipes, get started with Atkins today!

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