Top Keto Diet Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

April 16, 2019

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Atkins is a type of ketogenic diet, which adheres to a nutrition plan that’s high in fats and low in carbs. The goal of a keto diet is to achieve ketosis—a metabolic state which means that your body is burning stored fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates and sugar. Keto diets are thought to help speed up the weight loss process and stave off cravings at the same time. Originally, the classic ketogenic diet was developed by physicians to treat epilepsy. Classic keto is considered very restrictive and typically only done under strict medical supervision.

Today, many people thrive on keto diets similar to Atkins. Here are the top five keto mistakes
and how we can help you avoid them.

1. Going no-carb instead of low-carb

Many beginning keto dieters jump in too quickly, eliminating all carbs completely and consuming
only fat and protein—without doing the necessary research. Unfortunately, radically overhauling
your diet in such a manner can lead to falling off the low-carb wagon and binge-eating your
favorite high-carb, processed junk food. Our advice: start slow to avoid this common keto
mistake. Atkins sets you up for success with plans personalized to your lifestyle, as well as an
incredible library of recipes.

2. Eating too much protein

A keto diet calls for high levels of fat, a bit of protein, and very low levels of carbohydrates.
Many keto dieters overdo the protein intake, which can prevent the body from going into ketosis.
When following a keto diet, ensure that the majority of your calories are coming from good,
healthy fats rather than proteins.

3. Not eating enough fat

If you find yourself getting hungry between meals, you may not be consuming enough healthy
fats, including polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats such as avocados, nuts, and fish. Up
your intake of these good sources of fat, and you’ll likely find relief from hunger pangs between
meals. Remember that healthy fats provide the main bulk of calories on keto diets.

4. Ignoring your vegetables

Leafy green veggies are a healthy staple of any ketogenic diet. It can be all too easy to make
the keto mistake of filling your plate primarily with meat or fats, but vegetables are an excellent
source of nutrition, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Choose non-starchy vegetables such
as broccoli, zucchini, bell peppers, asparagus, and mushrooms.

5. Not drinking enough water

Water plays a crucial role in helping the body’s systems function regularly, including
metabolism. Low carb diets have a diuretic effect on the body, causing it to lose both water and
electrolytes. Many keto dieters do not consume enough water or electrolytes, especially during
the beginning days of their diet. Not drinking enough water can also lead to constipation,
dizziness and weakened willpower; this is also known to many as the “keto flu.” In addition to
drinking enough water, you can combat this side effect with broth or adding a little extra salt to
your food.

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