5 New Year’s Resolution Ideas for a Healthy Lifestyle

December 27, 2016

Though hitting your happy weight is an important goal, weight loss isn’t the only healthy New Year’s resolution you can set. For inspiration, read our list of five New Year’s resolution ideas to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Try These Healthy New Year’s Resolutions

Load up on low carb salads.

1. Stick to a healthy diet.

Regardless of whether you’re trying to lose weight or maintain your current weight, a balanced diet will help you get there. We recommend limiting carbohydrates, such as breads, pastas, pastries, and starchy vegetables. Register for our online resources and join our community to discover how.

Take a walk for good health

2. Get moving.

If you don’t regularly hit the gym, it may be overwhelming to start. Pick something that sounds fun, like a dance class, or keep it simple: a 30-minute walk after dinner is a painless way to squeeze in a few more steps. Little changes can add up to big improvements in your health.

Make sleep a priority

3. Improve your sleep hygiene.

Sleep hygiene? Yes, it’s an important practice in our increasingly connected world. To get a good night’s sleep, cut screen use (phone, TV, laptop) in bed, limit naps, and establish a relaxing nighttime routine.[1]

Give up smoking

4. Kick bad habits.

Whether you’re trying to quit smoking, mindless snacking, or procrastinating, now’s a great time to start. There’s often strength in numbers: get support from a friend or group with the same goal.

Mindfulness boosts the memory

5. Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness has been a hot topic in recent years, and that’s in large part because the associated health benefits are many—from decreased stress to increased focus.[1] Yoga and meditation are two ways to cultivate mindfulness, but crafts, such as knitting, can also help.[2]

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