Ask the Nutritionist: Make Hunger Go Away with Five-A-Day

November 20, 2014

Q: Why am I always hungry? I feel satisfied right after eating, but then I’m starving in about 90 minutes.

A: If you’re following the program exactly how it should be and you’re still hungry in between meals, you could try eating more frequently, like every two hours or so, so that you are eating five times a day. For example, you could have three regular-sized meals and two Atkins-friendly snacks, such as an Atkins Advantage bar or shake in between your meals. Keep eating the same amount of net carbs and protein and fat that you have been, but spread them out between these meals and snacks. You should also do a spot check to make sure you are consuming enough calories. Make sure you are not taking in fewer than 1,500 calories daily. Some other options include changing the kind of fat you are eating with your meals, and make sure you’re getting your full amount of approved vegetables each day. The fiber in the vegetables will help fill you up.

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